Friday, January 9, 2009

Our Dependency on Limited Reserves

Its about three days since the Oil company executives in India have gone on strike demanding an increase in wages and consequences can already be seen. The life of a common Indian man is coming to a stand-still.

The Indian Government is in talks with the striking employees but they still lacks idea to overcome the situation. More than 80% of petrol pumps have gone dry in major cities of the country and situation will go even worse if the matter is not resolved by afternoon.

Many state Governments invoked ESMA but that failed to get all workers back to work.

This strike (which is in its 3rd day now) has shown how much we depend on limited reserves.

  • Motorists are finding it hard to commute because of long queues at petrol pumps.
  • Public transport is also getting affected because frequency of buses in some routes have been cancelled because of shortage of petrol.
  • Many restaurants in the financial capital - Mumbai will be closing after this afternoon because of lack of gas supplies.
  • Flights at Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi airport got delayed by 30-40 minutes because there was not enough trained staff to refuel aircrafts.
  • The power plants have reduced their production because of absence of fuel. Decrease in electricity produciton will hit all sectors of Indian industries.
The above problems gives us a small picture of what can happen if we don't find out alternate sources of energy. Our dependence on limited reserves like OIL and Gas has increased too much and we cannot think beyond that. It took less than 72 hours for lives of one-sixth of world's population to come to a stand still !

We must take lessons from this strike and pledge not to waste the limited reserves and encourage others by participating in making a greener earth!